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Barcelona, Spain

Lviv, Ukraine

© 2024 Website Development & Digital Design

Personal Brand website

Personal Brand websitePersonal Brand websitePersonal Brand website

Project Background

We delivered a custom-built corporate website designed to elevate a personal brand by offering a variety of courses available for purchase. The website is equipped with an intuitive and dynamic admin panel, making it easy for the client to manage and update course content.

Unique Features

Designed to cater to a global audience, the website supports three languages, each optimized for SEO, ensuring maximum visibility across different regions. The project also includes the setup of Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console, providing in-depth insights and tracking of user interactions.

Technologies Utilized

Frontend: TypeScript, Next.js, Tailwind
Backend: Supabase
Deployment: Vercel

Project Outcome and Highlights

Our team delivered a fully custom design, crafting both the visual elements and the content to reflect the client's brand identity. The end result is a robust, SEO-friendly, and visually appealing website that effectively promotes the client's courses and personal brand.

Our value

Watch the creative process behind the development.

UI/UX Design
Website Development
Admin Panel Development