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© 2023 Web Development & Digital Design & Marketing & Tech Maintenance

E-commerce website for optics

E-commerce website for opticsE-commerce website for opticsE-commerce website for opticsE-commerce website for opticsE-commerce website for optics

Project Background

Our client, a leading optics retailer, sought to establish a robust online presence to cater to a wider customer base. They envisioned an intuitive e-commerce platform that not only showcased their wide range of optical products but also offered seamless browsing and purchasing experiences.

Technologies Utilized

Frontend: TypeScript, Next.js, Shadcn/ui, Tailwind, Zustand
Backend: Prisma, PostgreSQL, PlanetScale, Cloudinary
Deployment: Vercel

Custom Solutions Development

We developed a custom admin panel for seamless content management across the website. Seamless synchronization with the client's database ensures real-time updates for products and inventory. The project also includes SEO optimization along with analytics platforms integration like Google Analytics and Hotjar to enhance search visibility and provide valuable user insights.

Project Outcome and Highlights

Beyond standard e-commerce features, we integrated custom solutions like a doctor prescription submission system, including its online usage, detailed selection of product characteristics, and other tailored functionalities for the optics industry.
The combined efforts resulted in an exceptional e-commerce platform dedicated to optics, which solidified the client's position in the optics market. Its user-friendly design and seamless content management ensure a smooth shopping experience.

Our value

Watch the creative process behind the development.

Web Development
Tech Maintenance
Digital Marketing
SEO Optimization
Google Analytics & Tag Manager Integration
Paid Search Campaigns
Admin Panel Development