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Barcelona, Spain

Lviv, Ukraine

© 2022 Website Development & Google Analytics & Tag Manager Integration

Corporate website for the marketing agency

Corporate website for the marketing agencyCorporate website for the marketing agencyCorporate website for the marketing agency

Project Background

We aimed to create a corporate website that is intuitive and secure for a marketing agency, allowing for the seamless display of their services. An essential element was integrating multiple videos while still ensuring exceptional performance and efficiency.

Unique Features

We implemented a robust video integration feature, allowing for the seamless display of multiple videos throughout the website. Despite the rich media content, we prioritized performance and efficiency, ensuring swift loading times and smooth navigation.

Technologies Utilized

Frontend: HTML, CSS
Backend: PHP (WordPress)

Project Outcome and Highlights

The resulting corporate website boasts an engaging user interface that effectively showcases the marketing agency's services and portfolio. Furthermore, the website's SEO optimization ensures maximum visibility and reach, contributing to the agency's online presence and success.

Our value

Watch the creative process behind the development.

Website Development
Google Analytics & Tag Manager Integration
Google Search Console Integration