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Barcelona, Spain

Lviv, Ukraine

© 2024 Website Development & SEO Optimization

Customized website for the event agency

Customized website for the event agencyCustomized website for the event agencyCustomized website for the event agency

Project Background

Our goal was to craft a dynamic and visually captivating website for an event agency, accentuating engaging visuals and spotlighting their portfolio of diverse and unique events.

Unique Features

Our focus on media integration allowed for seamless display of high-quality images and videos, effectively capturing the essence of each event. The website was meticulously optimized for exceptional performance, ensuring swift loading times and efficient functionality.

Technologies Utilized

Frontend: Typescript, Next.js, Tailwind, Zustand
Backend: Prisma, PostgreSQL, Neon, Supabase
Deployment: Vercel

Project Outcome and Highlights

The end result is a visually stunning and highly efficient website that effectively showcases the agency's portfolio. Through the seamless integration of animation, we've created an immersive corporate website that captivates visitors and highlights the agency's expertise in event management.

Our value

Watch the creative process behind the development.

Website Development
Tech Maintenance
Google Analytics & Tag Manager Integration
Google Search Console Integration
SEO Optimization
Admin Panel Development